54-40 Packaging Prototype

My dad was a geography teacher, so growing up in a small town in Central Oregon my family participated in the local radio station’s morning Geo Quiz with the 3 other families in town who were also partial to such shenanigans. Over the years of answering questions correctly I collected a world placemat, spin-top globe pencil, globe keychain, and numerous stickers and erasures.

While the days of the Madras Radio Geo Bee are long gone, I still have a fondness for geography related trivia. So when I met Greg Jones at an ADX Feedback Loop event where he presented an idea for a topographic series of state products, I was psyched to help him make it a reality.

After some talk, we decided to collaborate on packaging prototypes for a small batch of products he wanted to sell to gather interest in his idea: a set of magnetic-backed US states made out of laser cut wood that show the topography of America. AWESOME!!!

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Photos from Danmark, Issue VI

Tiny model houses all dusted in white at the Danish Architecture Center. If it were powdered sugar there would have to be a sign telling people not to lick it.
A field of Danes, kind of like flowers, they only come out in the sunny months. Don't even ask me how they pollinate.
Garbage can to park bench ratio.
Old windows and doors and the parts in between reminds me of a quilt.
The entire Danish army. Their fuzzy hats make me want to take a nap. Perhaps that is their secret pacifist power?

Great Things From Portland

A while back, Portland every-where-man Jason Sturgill asked if I would contribute a postcard design to help promote Pinball Publishing’s new 4 color printing process called Print Pinball. I’m a big fan of Pinball, and was also psyched to collaborate in the series with other local artists Adam Garcia, Jen Wick, Kate Bingaman-Burt, and Thomas Bradley.

The theme was Great Things From Portland, and I didn’t have to dig very deep to pick one of my favorite Portland quirks: the tiny toy horses that are tied to old historic hitching posts around the city. Chronicled on The Horse Project and on Flickr, every time I come across one of these equines in person I feel a little bit happier inside my 12-year-old horse-crazy girl memory.

Great Thing from Portland postcard series for Pinball Publishing, featuring a horse from the Horse Project with some rope type and a Portland skyline.
Great Things...
Great Thing from Portland postcard series for Pinball Publishing, featuring a horse from the Horse Project with some rope type and a Portland skyline.
Wild appy stallion with halter.
Great Thing from Portland postcard series for Pinball Publishing, featuring a horse from the Horse Project with some rope type and a Portland skyline.
Rope typography starts...
Great Thing from Portland postcard series for Pinball Publishing, featuring a horse from the Horse Project with some rope type and a Portland skyline.
Great Things from Portland postcard design for Pinball Publishing series.

C12 Energy Diagrams and Online Particles

How do you explain a very long process in a very short amount of time? With a diagram! A recent project I worked on with Studio Jelly has now wrapped up for C12 Energy, a company that captures carbon from large-scale emitters. Here are some design snippets from the process of creating a logo, diagrams and website for C12. Their current website can be found at www.c12energy.com.

Nature's personal filtration system.
How to capture and store carbon.
Carbon diagram icon studies from the logo process.
Mobile site comps.
Website comp from mid-project. See the final site at www.c12energy.com.