Photos from Danmark, Issue V – A Parisian Interlude

One of the benefits of living in Danmark is the easy access to all those other European countries. Since Daneland pretty much shuts down in July due to its’ inhabitants strict observance of taking AS MUCH VACATION AS POSSIBLE, I decided to partake as well by spending 5 days in Paris. “Just 5 days off?” my co-workers asked me incredulously. “That’s ALL?”. Yes, and it was fantastic. So instead of photos from Danmark, here is documentation of my time in Paris, divided into the categories of found art and fancy art (you know, art in a museum).

Found Art

Patterned garage door graffiti. Found in central Paris.
...yeah, for those who know how to work wormholes. And kern. Wall art in east Paris.

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French Owls

A while back I attended the inaugural craft evening of Craftenhagen, organized by designer, blogger and fellow US-expat-in-Copenhagen Brittany Watson Jepsen who writes The House That Lars Built. The first Craftenhagen guest was Sarah Goldschadt, who is a crafter of many things and has a book coming out soon about just that. The project was to make some little stuffed owls.

Owlie craft project made by Sarah Goldschadt.

I was only able to attend half of the session, so my owls ended up being hurried and therefore lopsided. One owl looked like it had a facial tic and the other was losing stuffing from the moment I made it. But the little owls were so cute that I had to finish them in my own way – by making a picture of them.

Click image to zoom.
One French owl shouting OUI filled with patterns and textures. Oh, and kind of hovering above a branch. French owls don't actually touch branches, they just hover above them.
One owl.
A smitten French owl whispering OUI filled with patterns and textures.
Two owls.

Kæmpe Pålæg Packaging

When my roommate brought home this kæmpe pålæg chokolade and a giant loaf of fresh french bread, then offered that I have some, I nearly squealed in delight. Oh wait, I did squeal in delight.

First off, these small thin pieces of chocolate hold special memories for me…my Danish grandmother would always let my sister and I have a special treat sandwich after our regular lunch of rye bread and pickled herring that consisted of pålæg chokolade on a buttered piece of white bread. In our minds and bellies this was a slice of heaven on top of a slice of heaven, and we called it a Mormor Mad (grandmother sandwich).

Secondly, look at that packaging! Unabashedly simplistic and retro in all the right ways: a strong diagonal and utilitarian color palette, rad Danish letters, and exactly duplicate front and back designs (who needs to know more than that this small cardboard box contains LARGE DARK CHOCOLATE TO PUT ON SANDWICHES?).

I love it. I wish it were a poster. Maybe it will be someday.

Tom's kæmpe pålæg mørk chokolade, chocolate pieces for putting on white bread.