Goodie Monster Limited Edition Toy

Update June 4, 2012: The next steps for the Goodie Monster are to find a home in a Portland area school, to make an impact at a local level directly with kids by providing a framework for eating healthily. Check out the Goodie Monster on Facebook, or contact Mark Jacobs for more information at

As part of our efforts to raise money to create more Goodie Monsters, we are offering rewards for people who back the effort. This reward is a 3″ custom designed miniature replica of the Goodie Monster with moveable arms, produced by Crazy Label. To get 1 of 100 toys produced and support the project, check out the campaign on Kickstarter.

Initial sketches for the Goodie Monster toy.
Toy prototype master skins from Crazylabel.
Colored toy prototype - a very hungry but not very intimidating Goodie Monster.
Colored toy prototype - if there are two Goodie Monsters, fist bumps happen.

Goodie Monster Kickstarter Campaign

Update June 4, 2012: The next steps for the Goodie Monster are to find a home in a Portland area school, to make an impact at a local level directly with kids by providing a framework for eating healthily. Check out the Goodie Monster on Facebook, or contact Mark Jacobs for more information at

At long last, Mark Jacobs and I have been hard at work the last few months working on figuring out the next steps for the Goodie Monster. Now, we are ready to raise money to make more Goodie Monsters and share more healthy snacks with people. We’re really excited about this and hope that you are to, so check out our campaign on Kickstarter.

Photos from Danmark, Issue II

Not sure who the subject is - art from Charlottenborg Kunsthal.
I bet my pioneer rabbit would be best friends with this guy - art from Charlottenborg Kunsthal.
A winding crooked tool of sorts - art from Charlottenborg Kunsthal.
Good for government workers, or those who don't want to get much done - art from ARKEN.
You can't see it, but these are lithoprints of lots of tiny chocolate bars - art from Charlottenborg Kunsthal.
I'm not sure what this is, but I wish it was a my party dress for New Year's Eve - art from Charlottenborg Kunsthal.
Modern electric light pioneer wheel - art from ARKEN.
Just your average ratio of Danish flags to Danish summerhouses - 2:1.

Goodie Monster Plans Afoot

Last year my friend Mark and I made the first ever Goodie Monster. Since then, we have been planning, scheming, dreaming, plotting, and strategizing our next move. The last few months have been full of big ideas for what the future might hold for the Goodie Monster.

The long and the short of it is, we want to make more Goodie Monsters that will serve happy and healthy snack food to passerbys, and we have been working on making that come to fruition. Here is a sneak peek of some of our thoughts that culminated in our soon-to-be-launched Kickstarter Campaign. Stay tuned!

Sculpture in Place

A small portfolio website I designed in collaboration with Studio Jelly recently launched for James Malbon Harrison, a sculpture artist and civic infrastructure expert. His work is simple and draws inspiration from pattern and relies on material use that hides the underlying structure.

Araminta by James M. Harrison
Daahoud by James M. Harrison
Aiorema by James M. Harrison
Gotham Tavern by James M. Harrison
Hands of Cantor by James M. Harrison

See the site at

Muppet the Hairdresser's Dog

Spanks Hairdressing in Portland, Oregon has a mascot named Muppet, a wiry haired little dog that will sit and stare at you for hours on end while you wait to get your haircut. So I stared back at him and drew this picture. He is the dog with the most organized hair I’ve ever seen, so I’m not sure why he is called Muppet.

Spanks Hairdressing in Portland Oregon has a mascot named Muppet, a wiry haired little dog that will sit and stare at you for hours on end while you wait to get your haircut. So I stared back at him and drew this picture.