Photos from Danmark, Issue I

Så har jeg boet i Danmark knap en måneds tid, og har faldt godt på plads i en dejlig stor lejlighed på Åboulevard. En del tid har gået med at orden det praktiske ting som følger med når man flytter, men jeg har også haft nogle chancer til at komme ud og se byen lidt. Her er nogle snapshots fra marts i København.

Bird in the sky, transatlantic flight.
I thought I was moving to Danmark, but it turns out I now live in Kebabistan.
Urban tattoo / graffiti on a statue.
The Danes are so organized that they have a check-out system for watering cans in the local cemetery.
Grød. Also known as its more pronounceable counterpart: oatmeal. This is the fanciest grød/oatmeal I've ever had.
Fancy grød deserves a fancy little seating area.
Old, new, and of course a character from the Simpsons.
Hand painted type on wheat-pasted book pages, found in Nørrebro.
A local Shepard Fairey piece. Or, as Portlanders would describe it: put a bird on it!

3 comments on “Photos from Danmark, Issue I

  1. I love the Shepard Fairey wall. I love that it’s huge and beautiful and graffitied to shit at the bottom. I’d like to see more like that around Portland.

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