I’m happy to share a project I’ve been working on for Umpqua Bank. The site is for their Private Bank that focuses on the needs of highly monied clients. I use Umpqua Bank for my business needs and their customer service (and chocolate treats when you visit in person) are unparalleled. This is a bank I can get behind so I was glad to be brought onto the project.
The task was to translate Umpqua’s sunny and upbeat public facing visual identity to a more formal space online without becoming a dry biscuit of financial conservatism. A custom tiling wood pattern background was made to reflect the use of wood in the interior of the bank while all content is contained on a piece of digital paper. Umpqua brand fonts were used in a large and friendly manner with short digestible text.
To populate the site, Chris Hornbecker took portraits of the private bank team with both the typical serious banker face (no smile), and the Umpqua face (smile!). Juliet Zulu created a video featuring one of their customers, Steve Smith of Smith Tea, which is shown on the homepage. I worked directly with Mark Jacobs who works in the Creative Strategies Department at Umpqua (and was also my partner in making the Goodie Monster in 2011). Matt Distefano of Umpqua coded the site.
Here are some shots of the site, or you can visit it here and see the exquisite video vignette.

I’m a fan of Mark Jacobs, I’m a fan of Smith Teas, and I’m a fan of Umpqua Bank.
Mette- After watching the tea video I thought about giving up beer for tea-AAAsssss! What part of the project was yours? My guess was the 3G smart phone with the different references-ie-estate planning. Was I correct( gold star) or am I a big L. Love Dad
GORGEOUS work! I’m inspired.
Always a privilege to work with you, Mette. Thank you again.