When all the deadlines are delivered and it is Friday afternoon, the best wind down for a week is sometimes to make some off-the-cuff typography. This time around it was some 50’s circus retro broadway billboard type screaming…
Well Vegan Illustrations + Site Update
I’ve enjoyed working on the Well Vegan brand over the years, starting with their initial logo and branding and continuing with an eBook cover, promo materials, and a series of DIY postcards (here, here, here, and here).
Our latest collaboration was to update their website based on user analysis to increase sign-up and promote their new eBook Starter Guide. To do this we streamlined the front page with a large either/or graphic focusing on the plan and the book.

The Plan and The Starter Guide got their own secondary pages that had more in-depth information that was previously outlined on the homepage. And all that new content was a great excuse to create more small plates!

The homepage was also adjusted below the fold to highlight the resources section and recipes section, and make the all of the content more scannable. Four resource icons were made for this.

Even though I’m not a vegan, vegetarian, or any other label of imbiber other than equal opportunist, I enjoy getting their weekly newsletter of recipes – always handy when veggie-only friends visit. If you need a hit of cooking inspiration, just visit their extensive library of home-tested recipes.
I is for Inertia
“I is for Inertia” is part of an on-going alphabet series for kids using math, science and geography vocabulary. Have an idea for a good word? Send it my way!
Me and My Pioneer Rabbit, at the Annual Convention
Spin to Win
Umpqua Home Lending Video Illustrations
Here are four illustration panels I had fun creating for a little holiday video for Umpqua Bank’s home lending team in Bellingham. Who are a crack team at making your financing and savings dreams come true, even if it’s a duplex space station. I worked with Juliet Zulu who put together the video which was sent out privately to the Bellingham team’s clients.

Well Vegan Breakfast Bowl
Fall is here and that means layering…your breakfast bowl. There’s nothing better than sitting down to a steaming dish of gruel, Oliver, than feeling like it was put together by the best bed and breakfast in town. While it might not quite trump Sweedeedee’s breakfast bowls, following these instructions will get you mighty close.
For more details on how to make a perfect morning meal, check out Well Vegan’s breakfast bowl post. Or see others in this series, including how to make a salad in a jar, mix and match ingredients for a perfect smoothie or expertly stack a sandwich.
Even More Icebreakers Illustrations
Here is the final batch of illustrations for the Icebreakers book I’ve posted about previously here and here and here. This set includes more examples of creating vocal symbols for a global audience that aren’t language specific. The entire book is focused on using collaboration, games, movement and music to aid in icebreaker activities for groups. To learn more about the book directly from the authors, check it out at www.breaktheice.dk.

D is for Derivative
“D is for Derivative” is part of an on-going alphabet series for kids using math, science and geography vocabulary. Have an idea for a good word? Send it my way.
Aalborg Akvavit Label Illustration
In my younger days I lived and went to school for a year in Aalborg, Denmark. There you can find a street called Jomfru Ane Gade where liquor flows freely from the plethora of bars and raucous ‘cheers!’ can be heard up and down the famous street the city of Aalborg is known for.
So when Line Krüger contacted me to commission an illustration for the schnapps company of the same name I had just a few flashbacks before promptly accepting the job. Basically anytime someone calls you up and asks “can you draw some meat on a stick?” you have to say yes.
If there is something the Danes like more than getting a tax cut or drinking schnapps, it’s consuming pork and other meat products. So combining the latter two activities seems like a surefire bet for Aalborg Akvavit, who created this new product for pairing with summer grill food. The label itself was designed by Line who also creative directed the illustration process.

Usually associated with the popular and omnipresent event of December, the julefrokost, schnapps (or akvavit) is consumed in large quantities even though the glasses that carry the liquid from bottle to mouth are minute. I’m convinced this small beverage vessel was created with the hidden agenda of giving the Danes the maximum number of opportunities to shout SKÅL before reaching full inebriation.

Photo credit: Kristine Hansen