White Noise / Let it Snow

Free wallpaper "White Noise / Let it Snow" in blue, silver or charcoal.

Just another day of Free Wallpaper Week at the Bureau. Spending hours shopping for the holidays or putting up with your drunk Uncle Charlie’s antics while decorating the tree/menorah/yak hut can drive many a sane person batty. Sometimes you just want to tune it all out. Now, instead of staring for hours at your computer’s default screensaver, you can use this white noise pattern to take a mental intermission from the stresses of December (or any other month). Enjoy!

Download White Noise/Let it Snow in Blue

320 x 480 (iphone) • 640 x 960 (iphone4) • 1024 x 1024 (ipad)
1440 x 900 (laptop) • 1600×1200 (full screen) • 2560×1600 (wide screen)

Download White Noise/Let it Snow in Silver

320 x 480 (iphone) • 640 x 960 (iphone4) • 1024 x 1024 (ipad)
1440 x 900 (laptop) • 1600×1200 (full screen) • 2560×1600 (wide screen)

Download White Noise/Let it Snow in Charcoal

320 x 480 (iphone) • 640 x 960 (iphone4) • 1024 x 1024 (ipad)
1440 x 900 (laptop) • 1600×1200 (full screen) • 2560×1600 (wide screen)

Please share these wallpapers following the guidelines of the Creative Commons “Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives” license. Basically, you can share the heck out of these, but always remember to attribute the source and please don’t alter or sell the art. Thanks!

Warm Fuzzies (Cackle, Crackle)

Warm Fuzzies Free Wallpaper Sample

Free Wallpaper Week at the Bureau continues! Today’s wallpaper is anti-cute in response to the previous saccharine submission. It’s kind of like chestnuts roasting on an open fire, but not. Don’t take this one too literally, and I hope you’ll help spread the wallpaper cheer!

Download “Warm Fuzzies” in the following sizes:

320 x 480 (iphone) •  640 x 960 (iphone4) •  1024 x 1024 (ipad)
1440 x 900 (laptop) •  1600×1200 (full screen) •  2560×1600 (wide screen)

Please share these wallpapers following the guidelines of the Creative Commons “Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives” license. Basically, you can share the heck out of these, but always remember to attribute the source and please don’t alter or sell the art. Thanks!

Like a Glove: A Love Story

A personal project I’ve been working on this fall is finally complete! It’s wintry tale of smitten moose, fuzzy creatures and a house in the woods. Is it a drama, documentary, romantic comedy or porno flick? The verdict is still out.

Printed on a variety of colored papers using white flocking (fuzzy stuff, fun to touch), the poster is for sale in the newly constructed Bureau Shop. You can see more pictures and read about the process here.

Merry, Happy, Joy and Tidings

free wallpaper: "Merry, Happy, Joy and Tidings" in strawberry. An owl, deer, fox and bear wish you a happy holiday.

Yep, it’s Free Wallpaper Week at the Bureau. For the season of giving I’ve made some wallpapers that you can use on nearly any mobile device you can think of! Today’s wallpaper is available in 5 colors of holiday orientation (except for strawberry, which is more of a June color, which I guess is good for folks south of the equator). Each of the color combinations can be downloaded as a spot illustration or a tiling pattern. I hope you enjoy them, and spread the wallpaper cheer! Continue reading “Merry, Happy, Joy and Tidings”

Kahuna Gift Company Logo

In September I landed one of the larger projects I’ve tackled since going solo – branding and packaging for a start-up Hawaiian gift company. I love to work on packaging, especially if it is food related, so this was a great gig. Unfortunately, due to a macadamia drought, the packaging component was put on hold midway through the project. Major bummer! Designers get used to strange things derailing projects, but I never imagined a nut shortage would be one of those things.

Nuts or no nuts, the client still needed a logo and website, so I finished up those elements while we waited for the macadamias to make a comeback (still waiting).

Kahuna Gift Company logotype

I created a straightforward logotype with tone-on-tone sky and surf colors, intentionally steering clear of the clichéd palm trees and hula girls that adorn many a Hawaiian logo. The logo needed to be used in various situations, so a few options were created to accommodate different uses. Continue reading “Kahuna Gift Company Logo”

Oui, Oui: Halloween 2010

This year for Halloween I dressed up as Avant Garde French Toast. It was a subtle costume, and not exactly a crowd pleaser. There were a few French Toast embracers, but for the most part it was a flop. It wasn’t a pop culture reference, gory or scary, a knight or a princess. It wasn’t an outfit that had been “sexified” with skimpy college-era duds (although one person told me that “Sexy French Toast” would have been a better outfit). It didn’t fit into a category, and that doomed my Toastness to strange stares and obligatory “ah, haaaa, hmm, yeah OK, I get it”. I guess my outfit was more avant garde than I expected.

So, I figured I would make my first foray into creating moving pictures and shoot a short short about it. I even wrote a part for my dog Lucy, who turned out to be the consummate professional on set.