While waiting for some friends at Hotel DeLuxe, I used my extra found time and Draplin’s field notes to draw a picture. Of note were a crazy chandelier, a stuffy chair, and two dachshunds that arrived with a man who ordered a gin and tonic. His wife got a double.
Outfit No. 28
Outfit No. 27
Humpty Dumpty: the Scary 80’s Version
Humpty Dumpty: the Scary 80's Version
Fly Like an Eagle, New Guitar Logo, Fly!
Sometimes a client knows exactly what they want, and we can get right down to business! When I recently worked with Pro Guitar Shop to create some merchandising logos, the direction from the client was wings, wings, and more wings! It’s the same thing I chant when I go out to dinner with Jen, so it wasn’t hard to get into the mindset. Plus, drawing lots of wings is a nice illustrator workout for designers.
Drawing inspiration from retro signage, hotrods, and vintage cars and of course guitar parts (all things the main audience would dig), I created a few winged logos for Pro Guitar Shop to use on their wares. Below are the two final logos.
A Place in the Woods
Outfit No. 26
The Adventures of Me and My Pioneer Rabbit