Watercolor Dresses on Doodle Stands
I Sew Flat Things, So I Made an iPad Case
When my live-in bought the latest and greatest Apple technology (we’re a few months behind here at the Bureau, so I’m referring to the iPad), it needed a protective case so it didn’t get scratched by the myriad of other Apple products that usually travel with it. Enter iPad case made to match a Jack Spade bag with a brown plaid outer fabric, two layers of quilting and a dotted orange liner.
Outfit No. 20
Me and My Pioneer Rabbit, On Wild Safari
The Early Years: 1981-1989, A Retrospective Told in Buttons and Pins
During a recent basement cleaning, I came upon my childhood button collection. Looking at my buttons from days gone by, I wondered…would they reveal anything about my childhood that I had forgotten? Would they say anything about my current state, 20 years later? Given the current button craze, how would my buttons stack up? Was it time to finally purge my button collection, two decades too late?
Any which way, I wanted to spend a little more time with my buttons, so I compiled my favorites (namely, the ones I actually remember) into a mini-autobiography…see the full collection.
My Outfits Tell Stories Too
To me, most everything has a story behind it. Perhaps following in the footsteps of my father, the unofficial one-man census bureau for Madras, Oregon, I feel the need to trace the history of objects, however inane or trivial they might be. Seriously, you should see my button collection!
Frequently, people will comment on my outfits…common, everyday observations like “Hey, I like your jacket” or “Cute skirt!”, which are probably just acknowledgements rather than conversation starters. I respond with mores breaking tales of where I got the jacket, how much it cost, why I think it’s the best deal ever, which other piece of clothing it goes with in my closet, and how I had to fix this one button which was probably the reason it was on sale in the first place.
Here I will tell those stories visually rather than verbally. Maybe I’ll stop scaring people with my outfit outbursts, maybe I won’t. But I’m curious what tales my outfits will tell in this new format…
Outfit No. 1
Outfit No 2.
Outfit No 3.
Outfit No. 4
Outfit No. 5
Outfit No. 6
Outfit No. 7
Outfit No. 8
Outfit No. 9
Outfit No. 10
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Outfit No. 65
Outfit No. 19
Me and My Pioneer Rabbit, On the Lam From the Chain Gang
A Night at the Drive-In
Now that summer is firmly in place we decided to take a road trip and enjoy a movie at the drive-in with a few friends. Even though we arrived over an hour early (and on a Sunday, no less), the lot was nearly full when we got there.