Every month or so I teach beginning letterpress at the IPRC, a non-profit center for self-publishers and printers. Now that I finally have a camera I was able to take a few photos. This class was especially unique because a couple from Australia had signed up for the class during their 4 day visit to Portland.
Registration Print Process
Em Space, the local book arts center I’m involved with, put on their first anniversary show recently and asked members to submit a small printed piece so we could send a Petite Print Suite collection as a thank-you to people who had helped the organization in its first year. The theme was “print terminology” and I chose registration (basically, lining up two or more colors when printing, usually using a guide such as a X or dots to align colors). Little did I know that registration would be the least of my worries when producing 100 copies of the bar-4 card.
I chose to do a linoleum cut because 1) I am frugal, 2) I thought it would be easy, and 3) I had waited too long to get a plate made. I settled on my design and started carving away…

To compensate for the dead spot (I like Oregon, it shouldn’t get the shaft because of some printing problems) I used torn newsprint to build up the area underneath the blank spot, so when the paper made contact with the linoleum block the surface receiving ink would be even, thus giving Oregon and the Western US its full due. Continue reading “Registration Print Process”
Em Space Anniversary Celebration
A book arts center that I am part of is celebrating their one year anniversary this month – you should come check it out!
Opening Night and Celebration:
Saturday, April 17th
7pm – Midnight
407 SE Ivon Street
Portland, OR 97202
Join the Em Space Book Arts Center as we celebrate our one-year anniversary and the opening of our second annual member show. The evening’s festivities will include a raffle, silent auction, a printing demonstration on one of our presses, and delicious refreshments. Show runs from April 17th – May 30th. (Fan Em Space on Facebook)