Wintertime in Denmark is something special. The high latitude means that days are short (very short) and the darkness instigates a hibernating hush over the land – people grouped indoors around candles and food to stave off the bleak, cold season. But during those few hours of daylight, the townscape can be absolutely enchanting, which I was especially aware of in the photo above taken in a small town on the island of Fyn. Swish swish, shhh shhh.
Excerpts of some small sounds I heard while in Paris. Close your eyes, and you’ll hear small sounds too. Little things become big and big things become little. You can do it on public transit and people will think you’re napping, but if you do it at a crowded bar then the bartender will ask you to leave.
One of the benefits of living in Danmark is the easy access to all those other European countries. Since Daneland pretty much shuts down in July due to its’ inhabitants strict observance of taking AS MUCH VACATION AS POSSIBLE, I decided to partake as well by spending 5 days in Paris. “Just 5 days off?” my co-workers asked me incredulously. “That’s ALL?”. Yes, and it was fantastic. So instead of photos from Danmark, here is documentation of my time in Paris, divided into the categories of found art and fancy art (you know, art in a museum).
Continue reading “Photos from Danmark, Issue V – A Parisian Interlude”
Så har jeg boet i Danmark knap en måneds tid, og har faldt godt på plads i en dejlig stor lejlighed på Åboulevard. En del tid har gået med at orden det praktiske ting som følger med når man flytter, men jeg har også haft nogle chancer til at komme ud og se byen lidt. Her er nogle snapshots fra marts i København.
Blogging here at The Bureau will return momentarily, after I’ve moved continents and made a trip to the nearest IKEA. The next electronic transmission will be broadcast from Wonderful Copenhagen, so stay tuned!